• anacron

    The cron daemon helps in running jobs at predefined times periodically. However, the system needs to running at all times so that cron can can execute a job at the scheduled time. This condition is well met by servers that run 24*7 hours ...

  • cron

    cron is a daemon that executes programs for users periodically at predefined times. The cron daemon or service is started by the init process during system initialization. cron comes from chronos, the Greek word for time. cron was authored by ...

  • Backing up your Drupal site

    Backing up a Drupal site involves copying the website files and database to a local server. We copy the entire site root directory tree to the local server. Also, we dump the website MySQL database at the site server and copy the database dump to the local server.

    Let's start with the site's MySQL database. In ...

  • Moving a Drupal site to a new host

    Moving a Drupal site to a new host is quite easy. It can be summarized as just two steps – backing up the MySQL database and the web-site root directory and storing these on the new host.

    Backing up the website files at current host

    Login as the administrator in your website at the current host. From ...

  • rsync

    rsync is a one-way file synchronization tool used in Linux and other Unix-like systems. It is used to ensure that the destination file(s) become an exact replica of corresponding file(s) at the source, thus providing an excellent tool for taking backups. rsync is inherently a file copying tool. However, it is a better ...

  • vi text editor in Linux

    vi is a classic text editor that has been available with Unix systems right from the beginning. vi has been a very popular text editor and one can edit files very efficiently using it. In this tutorial, we look at some of the vi commands that ...

  • Using the make utility to build software (Advanced)

    make is a utility for building programs based on the contents of a specially formatted text file named Makefile or makefile under Linux and Unix environments. A makefile has explicit rules, implicit rules, variable definitions, directives and comments. In the primer make tutorial, we looked at some example makefiles containing explicit ...

  • Using the make utility to build software (Primer)

    make is a utility for building executable programs and libraries from source files in Unix-like systems. make builds the software based on rules given in a makefile and optimizes on the build process by compiling only the files that have changed since the last build. make was first authored by Stuart Feldman in 1977 for ...

  • Starting Linux services with init scripts

    A Linux system provides many services to the users, like secure shell access or the print spooler service. These services need to be started and stopped at appropriate times. The start and stop of these services is controlled by init scripts. An init script for a service specifies when that service should be started ...

  • Understanding the GNU Build System

    This tutorial looks at the GNU Build System. From an end-user's perspective, it first describes how to build the binary executable of a GNU free and open source software package from the available source code and install it on your system. Then, from a programmer's perspective it looks at the GNU Build System for generating ...

  • Using diff and patch commands

    Quite often, we wish to know the differences between two versions of a file or a group of files, which may be organized in a directory tree. We wish to be sure that work done is as desired and no errors have been introduced inadvertently in the file(s). We can only do that by reviewing ...