C++ Tutorial – Getting Started C++ is a high-level, general purpose programming language providing facilities for data abstraction, object-oriented and generic programming. Continue Reading
What is an Operating System? An operating system is a layer of software residing above hardware, hiding intricate details and providing an easy to use virtual machine. Continue Reading
String library functions in C The string library functions strlen, strcat, strcpy, strcmp, strstr, strtok can be used for string operations in C. Continue Reading
Strings in C A string can be either variable or constant. A variable string can be modified in the program whereas a constant string cannot be changed. Continue Reading
Program to find the day of the week for a given date The Gregorian calendar was adopted in 1582. A C Program to find the day of the week for a given date as per Gregorian calendar is explained. Continue Reading
Flex Tutorial flex, "fast lexical analyzer", is a software tool for scanning input file and breaking it into recognizable chunks of text, called tokens. Continue Reading
Process synchronization The problem of synchronizing multiple concurrent processes is explained and a solution is provided with an example program. Continue Reading
Regular Expressions in C Regular expressions are used for searching strings in text files. Regular expressions are explained with usage in a C program. Continue Reading
Dining philosophers problem The dining philosophers problem is about deadlock in concurrent systems. The dining philosophers problem is explained with example programs. Continue Reading
Program to generate a random password in C Strong passwords are generated by using random characters. A C program is provided to generate random passwords. Continue Reading
C Programming Tutorial 5: Structures and Unions A structure is a collection of variables, which are called its members. A union is a variable that holds different types at different times. Continue Reading
C Programming Tutorial 4: Pointers and Arrays A pointer variable holds the address of another variable. An array stores the elements of the same type in consecutive locations. Continue Reading
C Programming Tutorial 3: Control Flow Statements and Functions A C program comprises of functions. Functions comprise of statements, which determine the control flow in the program. Continue Reading
C Programming Tutorial 2: Data Types and Expressions A C programming tutorial explaining data types, declarations, operators, conditional expressions and precedence and associativity rules. Continue Reading
C Programming Tutorial 1 – Getting Started A C programming tutorial for beginners, explaining constants, variables, expressions, input and output and overall program structure. Continue Reading