
SoftPrayog provides information regarding Linux system programming, C programming, Linux commands, troubleshooting and general software engineering concepts.

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How to Backup a WordPress Site using the Command Line

mysqldump and tar commands are used for backing up a WordPress based site. The backup and restore process along with commands is explained. Read more

How to take backups in Linux using the Command Line

rsync and tar commands are used for taking backups in Linux systems. rsync and tar are explained with example command usages. Read more

What is an Operating System?

An operating system is a layer of software residing above hardware, hiding intricate details and providing an easy to use virtual machine. Read more

String library functions in C

The syntax and use of string library functions strlen, strcat, strcpy, strcmp, strstr, strtok, memset and memcpy in C is explained with examples. Read more

Strings in C

A string, in the C language, can be either variable or constant. A variable string can be modified during the program execution whereas a constant string cannot be changed. Read more

Program to find the day of the week for a given date

The Gregorian calendar was adopted in 1582. A C Program to find the day of the week for a given date as per Gregorian calendar is explained. Read more

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I/O multiplexing: select, poll and epoll in Linux

I/O multiplexing is the the ability to perform I/O operations on multiple file descriptors. Input operations like read, accept and calls for receiving messages block when there is no incoming data. So, if an input call is made and it blocks, we may miss data from other file descriptors. To circumvent this, I/O multiplexing calls, viz., select, poll, and the epoll API calls, are provided… Read more

D-Bus Tutorial

D-Bus is a mechanism for interprocess communication under Linux and other Unix-like systems. D-Bus concepts along with example client-server programs are explained…. Read more

POSIX Shared Memory in Linux

Shared memory is the fastest method of interprocess communication (IPC) under Linux and other Unix-like systems. The system provides a shared memory segment which the calling process can map to its address space… Read more

POSIX Semaphores in Linux

Semaphores are used for process and thread synchronization. Semaphores are clubbed with message queues and shared memory under the Interprocess Communication (IPC) facilities in Unix-like systems such as Linux. There are two varieties of semaphores, the traditional System V semaphores and the newer POSIX semaphores. In this post we will look at the POSIX semaphores… Read more

POSIX message queues in Linux

POSIX interprocess comunication (IPC) was introduced in the POSIX.1b standard (IEEE Std 1003.1b-1993) for real time extensions. POSIX message queues have been made available in Linux since the version 2.6.6 (May 2004). POSIX IPC calls are as per the standard but may not be available on older Unix-like systems. Compared with the System V IPC calls, the POSIX IPC calls have a cleaner interface and are easier to use… Read more

POSIX Threads Synchronization in C

POSIX Threads provide multiple flows of execution within a process. The threads have their own stacks but share the global data and the heap. So the global variables are visible to multiple threads. Also, the threads need to synchronize their actions so that they jointly realize the overall objectives of the process they belong to. Read more

C Programming Tutorial 1 – Getting Started

A C programming tutorial for beginners, explaining constants, variables, expressions, input and output and overall program structure. Read more

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