Class DOM Document not found
Resolution of the "Class DOMDocument not found" error observed on a WordPress based website, after configuring the W3 Total Cache plugin.
Resolution of the "Class DOMDocument not found" error observed on a WordPress based website, after configuring the W3 Total Cache plugin.
An introductory tutorial for C++ programming language providing an overview of types, constants, operators, pointers, arrays and classes.
The system header files are located in multiple directories. The location of C language system header files for #includes is explained.
mysqldump and tar commands are used for back up of a WordPress based site. The backup and restore process along with commands is explained.
rsync and tar commands are used for taking backups in Linux systems. rsync and tar are explained with example command usages.
An operating system is a layer of software residing above hardware, hiding intricate details and providing an easy to use virtual machine.
The string library functions strlen, strcat, strcpy, strcmp, strstr, strtok can be used for string operations in C.
A string can be either variable or constant. A variable string can be modified in the program whereas a constant string cannot be changed.
1.0 Dark mode in Chrome Dark mode is great but there are times like some color combinations make it impossible to read text and you need to get back to…
The Gregorian calendar was adopted in 1582. A C Program to find the day of the week for a given date as per Gregorian calendar is explained.